Friday, April 17, 2009

Guests: Unwelcome, Welcome and Missed..

This week at our home we have had a few guests. Some of them welcome and some of them unwelcome. I don't want to sound callous, but I just couldn't let a certain group of them past the front door. Though everytime I opened the door, I feared they might join us in our humble abode.

So who are these guests? Those welcomed and is the story. The unwelcomed guests were a couple of birds that made themselves at home in my dried flower wreath on the front door. Last year they came and availed themselves to parts of my artificial wreath for a nest, this year they decided to go one step further. I don't mind providing the material for their home, but I can't have them living on my front door for lots of reasons (health, safety cheif among them).

With Carson fearful of the birds loss, Troy reluctantly removed the wreath last night and transplanted the nest on a nearby (albeit scrawny) tree in our yard. I heard birds quite unhappy this morning as they found that the wreath was gone. Troy did say the nest was empty, so I didn't feel as bad since there were no eggs. He said we would have dealt with it on the door had the nest held eggs. That is the story of the unwelcomed guests.

My welcome guests are my sister and her two youngest daughters. Her husband and oldest daughter are back in Munster because of a conflicting spring break schedule. I am so glad to have them here. Our fun was to be increased by the addition of my twin brother's children arriving today, but they are at best delayed until Saturday and possibly not coming at all because of a terrible bout with vomit that required hopsitalization. No fun. We are hopeful they might still make it, but we understand if they don't. They will be missed.

I love to have guests. Something my mother always enjoyed as well. Not too mention that it is a spiritual gift of hospitality. God gives some great gifts. I love Him for that (and so much more).

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Two Amazing Boys!

I don't always say so and they don't always warrant the title "amazing", but our boys are amazing. By way of update I have two things to share:

1. Ephraim's fever broke on Easter morning. God's amazing work shown again through Ephraim's health.

2. Carson did consent to return to the animal shelter this past Monday (though I have no pictures because my camera battery was dead) . We did take treats to the dogs though Carson was apprehensive. We also enjoyed playing with four very adorable kittens. Carson proved to be amazingly resilient in returning to the animal shelter after the last terrifying visit. Praise the LORD for giving Carson the courage to try again.

Two new things to share about the "amazing boys"...

1. We received a call from the public library Saturday saying that Carson's turn to display his collection was bumped up because of a "no show". He could either bring it in on that Saturday or on Monday. Carson and Troy worked diligently to gather the collection of Star Wars items to display. Not surprisingly half of the collection was items from Troy's childhood as well as a Lego Millennium Falcon they had just worked on together and a Star Wars 3D puzzle they had also recently finished. Carson threw in his items and they had a mighty sizable lot. Because Ephraim was sick only one of us could go with Carson to set up the display. This is usually my fortay, but I bowed out so that Carson and Troy could do it together. They did an "amazing" job if I do say so myself. Ephraim and I saw it in person tonight. See photos from Troy's iphone. Another note on Carson... He started his horse riding lessons tonight with a lesson in grooming and general care of horses. He trimmed and brushed a horse as well as dealing with its hooves. Pretty amazing.

2. Ephraim and I went to The Aldi while Carson was at horse riding lessons. I braved it and didn't get a cart but rather took in a small "hand cart" my friend Sariah gave me. I let Ephraim push the cart. He felt pretty special with his "job". It didn't take long though and his obsessive behavior started kicking in. He did not like it that things were somewhat askew. People had not put items back where they belonged and they had not turned the boxes facing the same direction. All throughout the store he said "Things are discombobulated in The Aldi". When we entered the frozen food area, he was looking for a specific item. When he could not find it he started in again "Mama, this Aldi is discombobulated". This time an employee heard him. She said, "He did not just say discombobulated. How old is he?" We had a discussion of his vocabulary and his age. Pretty amazing. She directed him to the item he was looking for and at that point of course, I had to buy it.

We thank God for two amazing boys.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

An Easter Request

Ephraim has had a fever off and on for the last few days. It has gotten as high as 103. We hadn't taken him to the doctor, because every time we have taken him in the past they can find "nothing" wrong with him. With only a fever we might have dosed him up with Motrin and let him go to the Easter Egg Hunt this morning, but he woke up coughing and hacking up a little bit. (Not vomit, just crud). ***

No Easter Egg Hunt for Ephraim. Big brother Carson offered to help the cause and pick up some extra eggs. Ephraim quietly said "Brud-der, (brother) please bring me one blue egg. But don't open it". Who could turn down such a sweet and simple request.

Carson and I enjoyed our time at the pancake breakfast and egg hunt. We met up with friends. Carson dutifully chose the couple of blue eggs from his loot and set them aside. They have a place for you to turn in the eggs so they can use them again, but it is not required. I usually have the boys leave the eggs to be reused, but I made an exception for Ephraim's blue egg request. While we were sorting eggs from candy, I was sharing the story with a friend and she promptly pulled two more blue eggs from her grandson's basket. How nice to know others care about you.

I am always amazed how the boys are picking up on our vocabulary. I had not mentioned the word: request all morning and yet on the way home Carson said "Won't Ephraim be happy that we filled his Easter request?". Indeed Ephraim was happy. He wasn't feeling up to enjoying most of the loot; though he did manage to take in a few Skittles.

How happy a few blue Easter eggs made Ephraim and his brother who was so pleased to present them. Easter is a celebration that surpasses the meager blue eggs that brought joy to two little boys. Easter's true joy is a Risen Savior, but we have to wait until tomorrow for that...

***Ephraim health update... At the egg hunt we saw one of Ephraim's pediatricians. In consultation with her and the doctor on call they ordered antibiotics for him. Trying to get him to take them is the next hurdle. One dose (well most of one) down, several more to go... Please pray for a cooperative Ephraim.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"What Is God Going To Do, Mama?" And Other Wonderings...

Here are a couple of wonderings from our house this week...

"Is a hillbilly like a hobo?".
This Sunday, as we were leaving our home, I was noticing the large amount of playthings in our yard (not unusual). This is bad enough, but to top it all off, we seemed to have accumulated a random empty milk jug. I proclaimed (perhaps politically incorrect) that we must really be "hillbillies". Carson quipped from the back "Is a hillbilly like a hobo?". This is funny to our family because we have been on a "hobo" kick lately since Troy was seen eating mandarin oranges out of a can. Yeah, the usually proper Troy was caught eating out of a can. We have determined that hobos are not like hillbillies.

"What is God going to do, Mama?"

Ephraim has had trouble the last few weeks sitting to hear the Bible Story at BSF. He was "tired of hearing about the grumbling Israelites". (Imagine how God felt). This past week, while we were still hearing about the complaining Israelites, Ephraim's class did hear about the snakes and the bronze serpent that God used to bring salvation to His people. Now this was exciting to Ephraim. Worth listening to for sure.

To peak Ephraim's curiosity and encourage enthusiasm for hearing this week's story I told him, he wasn't going to believe what was going to happen in our story tomorrow. He said, "Tell me Mama". I said, "You'll have to wait until tomorrow". He said in his sweetest voice "What is God going to do, Mama?".

That is a question worth wondering about. What is God going to do? Don't tell Ephraim, but tomorrow the kids will hear the story of Balaam and his talking donkey. Yeah, God can use anything and anyone. He was the first one to use a talking donkey, Shrek can't claim that title. Better yet, everything we read in God's WORD is true. Shrek is a "fairy tale". God's WORD can be trusted. We can find the answer to all our questions there. (Well, I don't know about hobos and hillbillies, but the stuff that really matters though).

Got a question, check His Book!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Once Bitten, Twice Shy! Watch Out for That Dog!

Our visit to the Animal Shelter today, made for interesting dinner conversation with Troy this afternoon.

Carson and I made our weekly pilgrimage to see the cats and dogs as we have for almost two months now. This visit was unlike any other we have experienced to date. It was not unusual to have a frisky puppy or cat. Or to even safely view more exuberant dogs from a safe distance on the other side of the well kept chain link gate. But today, well let's just say we had an a very excited puppy.

His name was Pepper. See pictures above. Pepper was mild enough to start, but he decided he wanted to jump on us. And then lost interest in his toys and decide to chew on us. First a little nip at me, okay, no big deal. Then on my sweatshirt, now that I took a little personal. Then he did what not mother can allow and decided Carson was his next victim.

His bite did not break the skin on Carson's forearm, but it probably didn't hurt that Carson was wearing two shirts. Thank God for that. He did draw blood with small scratch on Carson's stomach. I think Carson's heart was hurt more than anything. He has still been somewhat timid just coming out his shell with animals and he finally met a dog that was a little more aggressive than he could handle. He decided he was more of a cat guy and we went to visit the cats and feed them treats. See pictures.

While we were visiting the cats, Carson overheard someone say there were some cute puppies in the stray dog side. He wanted to go see them and give them treats. We made it through the stray dog side without a scratch, however our next issue came when we ventured into the usually tame adoption dog side. As we were entering we saw someone dropping a stray that looked like a boxer dog to me. Anyway, we were going along our merry way handing out treats, mostly I was handing out treats. Carson still a little leery and really glad there was a gate between him and the dogs.

All of the sudden, Carson says "Mama, that DOG.... it ..." Oh my goodness the dog that had just been brought in jumped, I mean leaped over the fence like you wouldn't believe. He stood between us and the door. Talk about panic. I remained calm for Carson's sake, but inside I was terrified. We didn't have any exposure to this stray dog that had just been brought in. We had no idea how he would react to us.

As calmly as I could, instructed Carson to go for the door and get help. He bolted and the dog went right after him. I got myself between Carson and the dog and told Carson to go. I threw dog treats in the opposite direction and got out the door myself. Talk about scary.

All was well, We opted to end our shift about ten minutes early. We'd had enough for the day. As we are getting in the car, Carson says "I think I am done being a volunteer". I tried to speak words of encouragement and said we'd talk about in a week, when it came time to go back.

My mother never let me quit anything (ballet from 3 years old until 8th grade and violin from 4th until 8th). I don't want to force him and I don't want him to have unnecessary fears of animals either. It seems there is a balance. I am going to pray about it, talk to Troy and to Carson and see where we come out. We have so enjoyed our time there, I'd hate to have it end on the only bad note we've had.

Carson does start back up with his horseback riding lessons next Tuesday, maybe one exposure to animals a week is good enough. We shall see.