Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blog = Baby Book

I have a confession to make. My children's baby books are well let us just say incomplete. I don't even think that Ephraim's book has the nameplate completed on it. I have felt guilty about it for years, yet they sit in my night stand untouched. Recently we got a new bedroom suite complete with king size bed. This forced me to empty the night stand. There staring me in the face were the aforementioned baby books. Ugh. I am a remiss mother.

So, I am purposing to at least write Ephraim's name in his baby book. In the mean time, I am taking solace in the fact that I have an entire medical journal that I kept for Ephraim that chronicled his medical journey from birth to over age one. I also have a collection of emails that I sent from his first surgery and his most recent. And more importantly in that same nightstand I found a set of prayer journals that I had kept. My prayer journals (including the ones already boxed downstairs) are a record of all my prayers since 1996 when I was introduced to the concept. My prayers show a history of how God answered our many prayers for our family and how we have been able to turn over matters great and small.

Between all those records, and my current blog entries, I am looking to compile their baby books. When I chose Carson's book, I found it at the Target and it seemed like a good idea to get one that went all the way through high school. When I chose Ephraim's it only seemed right to get the same book for him. What was I thinking???? Now, I have a lifetime of work ahead of me. However, if I take it a little at a time with God's help I can do it. After all if I have time to chronicle their lives on my blog, I can take a minute to transcribe it into their books or at minimum printing it out; using my double stick tape to adhere it.

Monday, September 29, 2008

My sister says...

My sister (aka Maria Munster or Sissy) says "post early, post often". She likes to check her email and peruse her blogs throughout the day when she gets a chance while she is at work. (You know like at lunch or during her scheduled breaks). So this post is for her.

My sister says "We don't believe in luck" and we don't. We believe that God is in control, nothing happens by chance or luck.

My sister says "I miss my mama". I miss my mama too. Her birthday is coming up on October 2 and we will all hold our cider glasses high as we pay tribute to our mother's legacy of Christian faith and family.

My sister says "Love ya mean it", well that is because she does love me and well, she does mean it. No sarcasm here.

Speaking of sarcasm... my sister also says "sarcasm is no way to parent". It always comes back to haunt you.

My sister says "Sparkle", No, wait a minute that is me. I say sparkle, she says "spar". We have to remind each other to sparkle as God created us too. Zechariah 9:16&17a:
The LORD their God will save them on that day as the flock of His people. They will sparkle in His land like jewels in a crown. How attractive and beautiful they will be!

My sister says "Where have you been? You aren't answering either of your phones." She says this when she has tried me multiple times on both my home and cell phone and I seem to be "ignoring her". It is good to have someone that wants to get a hold of you. I am glad my sister makes it a point to call me "early and often".

My sister says "We should be thankful for the husbands God gave us". And she is right. We both have husbands that are perfectly selected by God for us, not only because of the positive qualities they possess or their work ethic, but because they are both willing to put up with our flaws.

My sister says "I just love my nieces and nephews, they are so sugary". She does love them and they think she is awesome too. She is purposeful to make sure they know she cares. She looks at them individually and she prays for their welfare.

My sister says "I've got to go to Bible Study, or Women's Ministry or Small Group".. she makes sure to fill her life with good things especially God's Word and fellow believers.

My sister says "I'm getting another call, I have to go..." Usually she has to go because its her good friend calling and I get a little envious. Mainly, because I am not there to do the things with her that her friend can do. Oh well, maybe one day we can live in the same town (I prefer Columbus, please...) and shop the same Aldi and the same Target. And worship in the same church. Wouldn't that be glorious?

My sister says "Your posts are too long". She may be right. I guess I better bring this one to a close. I love ya mean it, Sissy!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Is Omi Covered???

Ephraim and Carson had an in home movie theatre last night complete with popcorn and a drink. All on the living room floor. They had a ball watching Ratatouille even though they had seen it at least a dozen times. They both went to bed with little discussion of the movie.

This morning Ephraim (who happened to join us in our bed in the early hours) rolls over and says to me "Is Omi covered?". Now with Ephraim I don't always know what he is talking about, but he does. So I start asking questions... "What do you mean "is Omi covered?". I am wondering does he mean covered with dirt as in buried? Then Ephraim says, "I don't want to be covered". I'm still unsure what he is talking about, I ask him "where did you learn "covered", was it tv or school?". Finally, he tells me it is from Ratatouille.

In the movie Ratatouille, the main character Linguini says that his mother died, "But don't worry, she believed in Heaven so she is covered". Now, I have a frame of reference and I am formulating a response to Ephraim about being "covered". I start with the basic being "covered" means it has been taken care of. It is being handled by someone else. Ephraim never having been one for blankets or comforters is thrilled that being "covered" in this case has nothing to do with bedtime coverings.

Then I decide to go a little deeper and we have a real discussion about how Jesus is the one that "covered" Omi (by the way that is what the grandchildren called my mother). Jesus had Omi covered because she believed in HIM not just heaven. Ephraim says "Good, so I'm covered too." He said it as a statement not a question because for him even at 3 (almost 4), he does believe that Jesus died for his sins and rose again for him. I am so amazed that he gets it. I believe his brother Carson gets it too.

I know that it has been said that I don't have to make everything into a "sermon", but I don't consider it a sermon, but a teachable moment. After all the Bible says in Deuteronomy 6:5-7:

"Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."

Therefore, we keep talking, we do it every chance we get in a very real and authentic way so that our boys can understand God's love for them. The greatest love that gave Jesus to die on the cross, so that all who believe in Him are "covered". Are you covered?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

No, My Mama Has a Glue Stick!

A couple of weeks ago, Ephraim (at the time wearing a Batman tee shirt) was asked if he was going to be Batman for Halloween. He said no. The person asking said, "You could be Batman and your brother could be Robin" Ephraim replied, "Bubby doesn't have a Robin costume". The person said "Well, maybe your mommy could make one for him". Ephraim seemed pleased with this idea and gave a resounding "Yes!". Then the person asked the obvious question "Does your mommy have a sewing machine?" And Ephraim promptly responded "No, my Mama has a glue stick!".

Of course Ephraim is right, I am not nor have I ever been a seamstress, (Not, one of the gifts God gave me). So I rely on my creative side which I inherited from my mother and father. What I lack in sewing skills I make up for with imagination, double sided tape and yes, a glue stick. However, today's costume challenge was completed without the use of double sided tape or a glue stick. Instead, an old pillow case and a brown cloth napkin became a Luke Skywalker costume and a second old pillow case and black cloth napkin became an ewok outfit. Carson and Ephraim pictured above were more than pleased to wear their handcrafted costumes to their friend's Star Wars birthday party. Not pictured was me, with my Princess Leia buns and desert attire. Yeah, I dressed up, the boy's enthusiasm just spread over to me.

On another note, we finally got around to using the generous gift certificate to Wischmeier's
Nursery to plant a tree in my mother's memory (we have had it since her calling hours in 2007). Troy and our friend Sean, planted it today. It is a weeping cherry tree. Supposed to have some beautiful blossoms. I can't wait. I think a tree was such a fabulous suggestion on our friend's part. Something, we can see, and share with our boys. A true lasting memorial. See picture.

God is so good to give us family, friends and friends that are like family. We know we are blessed even by the little things like old pillow cases and the ability to transform them. And the beautiful things like trees that blossom and grow. Our devotion tonight with Carson (Ephraim fell asleep just prior to the beginning of devotions) was to do with the verse from John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." was a fitting thought to end a full and happy day.
P.S. Carson helped me wash the dishes for the first time today (his first not mine). He is a pro. We had fun and learned that two working makes the work get done a lot faster.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Poopy Pants Part of God's Plan????

**Some think my posts are too long or verbose... if you want to cut to the chase, skip down to the last two paragraphs...

A great day at the Bishops (at least it started that way) Carson went to school with no fight, he knew all his spelling words and I was sure he knew his memory work. As I set on the couch having my quiet time with God, I heard a little voice say "Good Morning God!". I went to Ephraim's room and found him sitting criss cross applesauce (legs crossed) on the rug in the middle of his room. He was facing the window with a huge smile on his face. I was happy too. Not only was he welcoming God into his day, but he his big boy underwear was DRY from the night before! Yippeee!!!!

With that wonderful start we scurried to the bathroom to do his morning duty and there was no fight about it. Praise the Lord. Then we headed to "JAM" (a preschool group - Jesus and Me) which was being held at the local ice skating rink. What fun, Ephraim got to skate for the very first time and even got to sit on the Zamboni (ice rink cleaner). He loved it.

Ephraim and I had a great clearance day at Target (75% was my downfall yet again). I really did get some great Christmas gifts though. Life was good. Ephraim was dry and we even made a pit stop at Target, just to be safe.

Then the day started to go south, we picked up Carson at school and found out he had received a "red ticket" for unsafe behavior in the bathroom and the memory work I was certain he knew, well, he had forgotten it. The good thing is that he wasn't the only one and his gracious teacher has extended the time for all of them. But even all that couldn't damper Carson's spirit as went on to share how he had written "the most sentences" today in class and had sounded out the words all by himself. He was so proud.

From the school we went to the Kid's Commons and lots of fun and playtime was being had with their only Columbus Cousin. That is until.... I look over and see that all too familiar look on Ephraim's face. Uh Oh, I turn to Ephraim and say... ."Do you need to go to the potty?" and well.. his answer was "I already went". So there we are with poopy pants. I take him to the bathroom to do damage control and then we have to cut our time at Kid's Commons short. The kids were disappointed, but went with little objection.

As we are driving home, I am talking to Troy on the cell phone and relaying to him our "poopy pants" experience. I sounded quite frustrated. From the backseat, comes words of wisdom from Carson "Mom, I think its part of God's plan." Well, alright then. I certainly didn't have a spiritual attitude about it when it happened, but I stopped short as I heard my oldest set me back on course. Maybe, God did have a lesson in poopy pants.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Next Aldi Star???

After leaving a "big boy underwear" wearing Ephraim at Children's Morning Out, I headed to the Aldi" as I call it. I had determined this morning that I was going to be an encourager today. I was going to use my words to uplift and encourage those I encountered.

I decided I was going to speak to the manager who was stocking the freezer and let her know how much I appreciated her work and "the Aldi" as a whole. I shared with her my recent experience of serving appetizers for the faculty at Carson's school. How all the food was from Aldi and how each one that commented on the spread was so surprised. Anyway, as I gushed about Aldi, I shared how my mother had taught me by example to through a party simply and well from the Aldi bounty. I also shared how my sister "4h champ" had always been an Aldi shopper and had visited the Aldi in Germany. She thanked me for my kind words and I went to check out.

While I was sacking my groceries (in my fabulous canvas bags that my sister "4h champ" gave me for Christmas one year), the manager approached me again. She said she had thought about what I had told her and she thought it would make a great commercial for Aldi. They don't usually advertise, but they had recently started running commercials in the last year, usually using store employees. She asked me for my name and number and said she was going to pass the information along to her District Manager who would be in this week.

I was stunned. I don't expect to get a call, and I am not sure that I want one, but I was pleased that she had responded to my encouragement. I know that God wants to use His people in many different ways, and I think the simple ways are the ways He works most mightily in. I may never get a call from Aldi, but I have a call from my Heavenly Father to be an encourager and a servant. To what is God calling you?

By way of update, when I picked up Ephraim from Children's Morning Out, five hours later, he was still wearing the same clean/dry big boy underwear and clothes. Another answered prayer. And as for Carson, he has also had answered prayer as he has been able to move up two levels in his reading and is very proud of his accomplishments as are we and his teacher. I am finding that my call as a mother is by far the greatest joy and challenge, I have encountered. I am comforted by the fact that no matter how much things change in our family that God never changes. And I thought about the fact that He never wastes opporotunities in our life, He uses the good and the not so pleasant places to teach and grow us. I keep growing as my boys are growing and I know that even potty training and first grade will pass before I know it.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Safely in His Bosom Gather

Today at Bible Study Fellowship Ephraim's class (and mine too) sang a new hymn: "Children of the Heavenly Father". The verse that we sang was: "Children of the heavenly Father, Safely in His bosom gather, Nestling bird nor star in heaven Such a refuge e'er was given."

Typical Ephraim, he took the words to heart. He and I had talked before he went to BSF, about how the bosom was like having God hold us close to His chest. I held Ephraim close to my own chest. As we left BSF, Ephraim was singing our new hymn. He asked "what is nestling?". We discussed how nestling was like cuddling.

Later as we were cuddling (nestling) on the couch together, Ephraim took his little hand and stuck it down the middle of my v neck shirt. He proudly sang "Safely in His bosom gather". That is my Ephraim. While his hand does not belong down my shirt, I sure hope that he will always remember that God will hold him safely in His bosom and that my bosom is a safe place for him to go too.

I am thanking God for my boys and for the privilege and yet awesome responsibility to care for them and bring them up in His Word. Our story today at BSF was of Baby Moses. How God cared for and had a plan for Baby Moses. God has a plan for us too. I pray that you live your life in the bosom of our Heavenly Father. It is a wonderful and safe place to be.

Monday, September 22, 2008

My attempt at blogging...

Welcome to my first attempt at blogging. I know that many of you have been receiving my emails this summer as we went on Ephraim's journey through surgery and then Carson's adjustment to first grade. Some of you said that you enjoyed reading them, some said you were inspired, some of you seemed to be overwhelmed by my long unsolicited emails. Therefore, I am going to start this blog. That way if you want to, you can check the blog to see what is going on the life of The Bishop Family. If there is anything significant, I will email to alert you, otherwise, I'll just blog.

My blog is titled mama2Godsboys, because I know that my boys are a gift from God, were created by Him and belong ultimately to Him. I am blessed to have Troy share this attitude with me as we parent our boys and train them up in the way they should go. (Proverbs 22:6). Parenting is a joy and a challenge. I am experiencing a challenge currently as we face a delayed potty training for Ephraim. We were already "behind" in the process, I was going to potty train him this summer, but then the surgery came along and it got put aside.

Now, we are facing the fact that if Ephraim can not wear "big boy" underwear, he can not be in the "purple room/big boy room" at Children's Morning Out. They are being very supportive about it, and we appreciate it, but Ephraim is being fairly uncooperative. It is an area where he feels like he is in control and so he is hanging on though we have offered treats and trains. Please pray for Ephraim to pick up and decide that potty training is for him and he is ready.

During my quiet time this morning, I revisited this passage in James 1: 2-8 that I am clinging to:
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.

I know that some of you will think that God doesn't care about Ephraim's potty training, but I believe He does. I am holding to that promise. And in the midst of Ephraim's struggles with the potty, I had a great joy this morning. Carson got up this morning in a fabulous mood. He got dressed without a fight, he did his counting (1 to 100) assignment without a single stumble or complaint. He had what his doctor calls "first time obedience" for everything I asked of him. It was such a blessing and answer to prayer. I know that God is working in his life.

His teacher did mention concerns about his ability to stay focused, so we are pursuing a couple of options. One avenue has been to temporarily discontinue his Singular medicine to see if that makes a difference. We stopped giving him the medicine on Friday morning. The other step has been to check in with his pediatrician and complete an evaluation. We are taking this seriously and treating it with care and prayer. Please pray that we will know God's will in the situation and will follow it. Just as with Ephraim's potty trials, we are certain that God is with us as we persevere and He will answer our prayers of faith. We are trusting in Him. Will you join us in that prayer, trusting in faith that God will answer???