Thursday, June 18, 2009

What a Compliment!

This week I have been helping at VBS (Vacation Bible School). I was serving in the role of story teller. This role is a familiar one to me because of being children's leader at BSF (Bible Study Fellowship), but this was a different setting and a more casual atmosphere. One of the little girls in my group yesterday had been in my BSF classroom this year.

This little girl's mother stopped me in the hallway today and gave me one of the highest compliment I have ever been paid. She said this morning while the little girl was brushing her teeth, that she turned to her and said "Mommy, I love Mrs. Bishop". The mother smiled pleased that her little girl liked coming to VBS and BSF. Then the little girl said "I wish Mrs. Bishop was my mommy". The mother was a little hurt of course.

I told the little girl that she probably wouldn't feel that way if she lived in my house everyday. The mother then replied knowingly with a sweet voice, something to the effect of "Not every mother can be as nice as Mrs. Bishop all of the time". Of course, I am delighted that the little girl loves me so much and thinks so highly of me. I'm sure my boys have days where they would love to trade me in more often than not.

Felt good to know that God had answered my prayer. I had prayed that God would use me as His hands and feet. That I would see the children as He sees them and that I would have His love for them and His patience. I believe that this little girl's compliment shows that God was at work and answered my prayer.

By the way the little girl's mother is a supermom with twice as many kids as I have. She is someone I look up to and know she has her act together in a really big way. The other great thing about her is her smile and the way you know that her joy comes from the LORD. That makes it even more of a compliment. Of course to God be the glory!

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