Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Great American Adventure

This week our family has been travelling with my sister and her family out west to South Dakota. We are having a lot of fun. Visiting some of most awe inspiring places such as Mt. Rushmore and Custer State Park. Along the way we have been keenly aware of God's mighty power and His awesome handiwork.

I enjoy traveling with family. My sister takes her family on a vacation to a different state capitol each year. We have enjoyed tagging along. I want my children to have wonderful memories of meaningful family vacations. I read recently vacations are a better way to spend your money than household items or toys, because you make memories that last a lifetime. While if you buy objects they are soon forgotten. I suppose you could say that this was written by someone trying to sell people on vacations but, I can see the validity in it.

This trip has been an education in history and in the magnificence of God's creation. We paid an interesting visit to the South Dakota Capitol of Pierre. We have also had our share of tourist attractions that were simply pure entertainment value. Like the World's Only Corn Palace and The World Famous Wall Drugs.

Lots of fun and great memories. Memories to last a lifetime. Like having a donkey poke his head through my open van window all but demanding to be fed. I gave him what I had handy which was a handful of prunes. He seemed to like it and a second younger donkey joined him in my window. Eventually we ran out and had to shoo them away. We also saw free roaming buffalo. As we were leaving the buffalo, Carson said, "I don't think I can eat buffalo wings after that". Troy and I had a good chuckle and explained that buffalo wings were chicken wings not buffalo.

On our ride out of Custer State Park, Ephraim started making strange coughing noises. I looked back and sensed that he was about to throw up. He denied it, but I managed to get a bag under him before he threw up. I think it was car sickness but Ephraim had a different idea. He said he thought he was allergic. We asked him what he was allergic to and he said "donkeys". Again a good chuckle for us.

So far this Great American Adventure has been an eventful trip and we still have more days to go. We have thanked God for His provision for our safety and the majesty of the land He created.

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