Thursday, June 11, 2009

Questions for Mama

As the mama of two pretty fantastic and inquisitive boys, I get a lot of questions. Some are as simple as "what are we having for supper?" and some are much deeper. Yesterday's question of the day came from Ephraim...

Ephraim: "Mama, is God sleeping?".

Mama: "Ephraim, the Bible tells us that God never sleeps. Why do you ask?"

Ephraim: "I thought He might be sleeping, because I can't hear Him. God rests
though, right Mama?"

Mama: "Yes, Ephraim, The Bible says God does rest".

Ephraim: "Well, maybe He is resting then Mama."

Mama: "Yes, Ephraim, maybe He is resting".

Have any questions??? I've had a lot lately and while I can not go to my earthly parents to ask, I can go to my Heavenly Father. It is amazing how God's WORD speaks to any circumstance in our life. And I mean ANYTHING. Take a look, you'll be amazed too.

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