Friday, April 17, 2009

Guests: Unwelcome, Welcome and Missed..

This week at our home we have had a few guests. Some of them welcome and some of them unwelcome. I don't want to sound callous, but I just couldn't let a certain group of them past the front door. Though everytime I opened the door, I feared they might join us in our humble abode.

So who are these guests? Those welcomed and is the story. The unwelcomed guests were a couple of birds that made themselves at home in my dried flower wreath on the front door. Last year they came and availed themselves to parts of my artificial wreath for a nest, this year they decided to go one step further. I don't mind providing the material for their home, but I can't have them living on my front door for lots of reasons (health, safety cheif among them).

With Carson fearful of the birds loss, Troy reluctantly removed the wreath last night and transplanted the nest on a nearby (albeit scrawny) tree in our yard. I heard birds quite unhappy this morning as they found that the wreath was gone. Troy did say the nest was empty, so I didn't feel as bad since there were no eggs. He said we would have dealt with it on the door had the nest held eggs. That is the story of the unwelcomed guests.

My welcome guests are my sister and her two youngest daughters. Her husband and oldest daughter are back in Munster because of a conflicting spring break schedule. I am so glad to have them here. Our fun was to be increased by the addition of my twin brother's children arriving today, but they are at best delayed until Saturday and possibly not coming at all because of a terrible bout with vomit that required hopsitalization. No fun. We are hopeful they might still make it, but we understand if they don't. They will be missed.

I love to have guests. Something my mother always enjoyed as well. Not too mention that it is a spiritual gift of hospitality. God gives some great gifts. I love Him for that (and so much more).


Unknown said...

Go to you local hardware store. Does Columbus have a Home Depot? Buy a plastic owl and sit it on your front porch with sand or rocks in the bottom. They'll leave soon after the owl arrives.


Virtual Farmgirl said...

Sorry we couldn't make it down, but it sounds like you all had a great time. Hope to see you in the next couple of weeks to celebrate May birthdays.