Saturday, February 7, 2009

Eleven Years and Counting...

***Addendum, I forgot one other "number": Troy has had 5 cars in our 11 years of marriage and I have had 1. ***

Today Troy and I are celebrating eleven years of marriage. I was doing the math (hold your breath, really I was just looking back) and in our eleven years:

-We have lived in 3 houses and 1 apartment (while building our current home).
-We have had 2 sons.
-Troy has had 1 job and I have had 4 jobs.
-We have experienced 3 major deaths including my mother and paternal grandparents.
-Ephraim has had 2 open heart surgeries.
-Carson has been in 2 different elementary schools.

And the numbers keep coming! God has blessed our marriage in so many ways! Thank you to all the friends and family that have prayed for us. Keep praying!

Many of you have been there with us along the way to celebrate, to cry, to pray, to worship, to share a meal, to revel in success and to dust us off when we fall. Lest anyone think our marriage is perfect, we can admit it is not. We have our share of disagreements and arguments. Tempers have flared and angry words have been exchanged, but without fail our LORD has brought us along. Thank God we are covered by Christ's blood.

We have built our marriage on a commitment not only to one another but to THE ONE: our LORD! On the solid ROCK we stand! All other ground is sinking sand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha...I have had five cars in our 10 year relationship (7 married) and R. has had two...he would have kept the one, but we needed four doors:)