Monday, January 26, 2009

Is This Something From Your Class Thingy?

Troy and I have been taking a Sunday School class titled Parenting On Purpose. The class is causing us to take time to pause and evaluate our parenting styles. We know we aren't perfect parents, but we didn't consider ourselves too far off target.

This class has confirmed a lot of the things we strive for in our parenting, but it also has us really wondering where we went awry with our original plans of consistency and intentional parenting.

For example, we talked this past Sunday about encouraging independence in our children. I am the first to admit that we do seem to do a lot for our boys. In fact the saying that really had me scratching my head was "Never do for your children, what they can do for themselves".

When we stopped to look at our family, we have a lot in our favor, but this independence thing is not our strong suit. We tend to cater to Ephraim especially and to Carson as well. Anyway, we have been trying to make some adjustments as we notice places where we are doing things they could be doing or have missed opportunities for them to make choices or contribute to the family.

As we are learning we are also sharing with our boys small amounts of it (at their level and where it pertains to them). We are offering more opportunities for independence and responsibility. Tonight, after we finished our meal with Troy at the local pizzeria, I asked Carson if he wanted to go up to the counter and get a box for the leftover pizza. Carson responded with "Is this something from your class thingy?" At first I wasn't sure what he was talking about, but Troy and I quickly figured out it was our Sunday School class he was talking about. That Carson, he doesn't miss a beat. Yep, I said, "It is". He said "Maybe, Ephraim would like the opportunity".

God has a perfect plan for the family. He has set us in a family and given us two boys to train up in the way they should go. It is good that He gives us His WORD that offers direction and wisdom in this often difficult yet equally rewarding job of being a parent. He also gives us fellow believers to encourage and mentor us. For this I am thankful. We are not walking this road alone, God goes with us and upholds us. We are learning a lot in our "class thingy" and we are trusting God to help us find the balance that fits our family. More independence and opportunities to come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! Carson is a quick one:)