Thursday, February 26, 2009

Going to His House...

Lent has started. I know there can be controversy about giving up things for Lent.There are some who think that giving something up is really pointless because we can not possibly even come close to the sacrifice that Christ made for us with His death on the cross. This is true. There is nothing I can do to even come close to what God did for me. I think it really is defined by motive. I do believe that if there is something I can give up during the next forty days that I can do so as a reminder to myself of the idea of His sacrifice.

So, what did I give up? I gave up facebook. For those who may not know, facebook is a "social network" on the internet. It is a wonderful way to connect or reconnect with family and friends. Share pictures, memories, ideas, and even just the everyday funny or even mundane things that happen in your life. I have been enjoying facebook as just that. Posting pictures, updating my status to include bits and pieces of my day. I want to be clear that my giving up facebook is not a comment on facebook itself. It is a comment on my own behavior and attitude. I have spent more time than necessary on facebook and often to the detriment of my family. I have used it as a way to escape from the work that needs to be done. (And no, blogging is not the same!).

All that to say, that I want to use the time I would normally spend on facebook investing in relationships. The relationships that are of highest priority in my home. First, the relationship with my LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. Second, with my family and friends. I want to really connect; in real and tangible ways. I want to delight in the LORD and He in me. I want to bring joy to my family and peace to my home. On that note, Troy and I are also adding to our Lenten season The Love Dare by Stephen and Alex Kendrick. The book is a by-product of the movie Fireproof that is all about the building up of the marriage relationship and relationship with the LORD.

Therefore, I am not only taking away facebook for the next forty days, but we are adding in The Love Dare as a way to enrich our life. That is pleasing to the LORD. Can I truly love the way He does? No, not on this earth. Should that stop me from working on it? No way!

You have been reading my blog and probably wanting to know what does the title of this entry have to do with what you have written thus far??? Admittedly, it may seem like it doesn't fit, but really I think it does. To start our Lenten season off on the right foot, we went to His house. Last night we attended the Ash Wednesday service.

As part of the Wednesday services during Lent the church is using dramatic monologues to portray the disciples. I must confess that I am not always a fan of dramatic interpretation of the Bible. I guess, I just like my Bible in black and white. I sometimes think there is too much creative license taken in portraying Biblical people. That being said, the sight of Pastor Teike dressed as Peter and sharing his own account of Biblical events was enough to make Carson take notice.

I had explained to Carson prior to the start that they would be using drama each week to bring the message. As the monologue was just beginning, Carson says to me, "Mama, can we come every week?". "Of course!" I said. Delighted to see his joy in coming to The LORD's house! I didn't even bother to tell him we would have been coming even without his request. I was glad it Carson's idea "to go to His house". Whether, you choose to give anything up or add something in for Lent, I pray that you will make time "to go to His house". He wants to meet you there and in your home and out in the world. Though, I am pretty sure The Living God doesn't have a page on facebook. If He did, I wouldn't be checking it in the next forty days anyway, because I'm off facebook. I think I'll open His book and see what He has to say to me there instead! If you are one of my facebook friends, give me a call, comment on my blog or even better come see me face to face.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Going on a Hunt...

This morning, I went to get my Bible to do my morning devotions and Bible Study. Much to my chagrin, my Bible was not in its usual spot. In fact it was no where to be found in my home. Oh, this was not good. I had misplaced my Bible and in it was my BSF lesson.

I had taken my Bible to church yesterday and I realized I must have left it either in Troy's van or at the church somewhere. I called Troy on his cell phone. No, he didn't have it. I decided that it must be at the church. For those of you who may not know, I officially returned my membership to St. Peter's and Troy joined as well.

On our way to pick up Carson from school, I was talking to my friend on my cell phone. I was lamenting the loss of my Bible and explained that I was heading to the church to find it. I hung up and got Ephraim out of the car. Ephraim looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes and said "Are we going on a hunt, Mama?". Again, I wasn't sure what he meant. "What Ephraim?". He said "We are going on a Bible hunt, aren't we Mama?" "Yes Ephraim, we are going on a Bible hunt". Ephraim and I sang "going on a Bible hunt..." on the way into the building. We stopped just before entering and we said a prayer that God would help us find it.

We signed in at the lobby desk and Ephraim told the receptionist that we were going on a Bible hunt. She smiled and directed us to where the lost and found items are usually kept. On we went, our first stop was the Children's Church room where I had picked up Ephraim from yesterday. My Bible was not there. Ephraim said "We didn't find it, but Bible hunters don't give up do they Mama?" "No Ephraim, we don't give up do we?".

We went to the coat room and sure enough there on the top shelf was my Bible. I was so glad to find it. "Hallelujah, Thank you God!" I said. Ephraim joined me in my chorus of thanksgiving. Our Bible hunt had ended on a positive note. Ephraim was happy and so was I. I know that some would say, that it was only a Bible, it could be replaced. Yes, it could be replaced, indeed it could be, but the idea of losing my Bible was heart breaking.

I had so many things underlined, and small notes written in it. Notations next to scriptures that I hold dear because of promises kept by the LORD to me personally or to my family. Verses underlined that gave me comfort when I faced times of trial and grief. Verses that gave me courage or cause for delight. All those verses would be in another Bible, but it would be different. Not to mention that it was the Bible my mother had given me in years past. I am glad we found my Bible. It was a good thing indeed.

Our hunt was over, but Ephraim and I continued on a trip down memory lane. As we walked to meet Carson at his classroom, I pointed out parts of the old church that were still visible from when I was a child. I showed him the stain glass from the old sanctuary and told him how we had spent many a Sunday in the old sanctuary. I had memories flash before my mind of exiting the church out of the outside door and the door leading into the school. I pointed out the stairs that led to the hallway where the old library and music room were located. Ephraim was very interested. We not only found my Bible, but we found a whole flood of memories that I didn't realize I had buried. Now, with my Bible in hand, I'm ready to hunt through His WORD to see what treasure I will find tonight!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Service and Life Long Learning!

Sorry it has been a while since I have written. We had a few days last week where the bug that was going around came to our house to stay. We all seem to be over it now. Praise the LORD!

Carson, bless his heart has been very interested in animals lately. He would really like to have a dog, but we just can't have one because of Troy's allergies and not to mention, none of us are responsible enough to handle pets. You might remember that we have killed countless fish and lost a lizard to lack of proper care too. I can only imagine how a dog would fair in our home.

Anyway, in an effort to meet Carson's needs for "animal time", we contacted our local shelter to see if Carson could volunteer. Because of his age, I have to go with him. We had our first visit on Monday.

We had the opportunity to tour the facility and talk about what would be expected of Carson and of me. It was a good chance for Carson to practice skills like handshaking and eye contact, not to mention the experience with the animals. Carson had some quality time with a cat named Miracle and a beagle puppy named Trixie. That meant I did too. Not growing up with animals, I am a little skiddish, but I had to buck up for Carson. The cat was no big deal, because she really didn't want anything to do with us. The dog on the other hand was a rambunctious little pup. She was a jumper.

Ephraim is not able to go with us to the shelter, so this also provides quality time for just the two of us. I am looking forward to one on one time with Carson and helping him learn the value of serving. Lots of opportunity for growth in so many areas. God is so good!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Eleven Years and Counting...

***Addendum, I forgot one other "number": Troy has had 5 cars in our 11 years of marriage and I have had 1. ***

Today Troy and I are celebrating eleven years of marriage. I was doing the math (hold your breath, really I was just looking back) and in our eleven years:

-We have lived in 3 houses and 1 apartment (while building our current home).
-We have had 2 sons.
-Troy has had 1 job and I have had 4 jobs.
-We have experienced 3 major deaths including my mother and paternal grandparents.
-Ephraim has had 2 open heart surgeries.
-Carson has been in 2 different elementary schools.

And the numbers keep coming! God has blessed our marriage in so many ways! Thank you to all the friends and family that have prayed for us. Keep praying!

Many of you have been there with us along the way to celebrate, to cry, to pray, to worship, to share a meal, to revel in success and to dust us off when we fall. Lest anyone think our marriage is perfect, we can admit it is not. We have our share of disagreements and arguments. Tempers have flared and angry words have been exchanged, but without fail our LORD has brought us along. Thank God we are covered by Christ's blood.

We have built our marriage on a commitment not only to one another but to THE ONE: our LORD! On the solid ROCK we stand! All other ground is sinking sand.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Answer to What Ails You!

What is the answer to what ails you??? This morning at 3:30am Ephraim, started vomiting. He did so about every half hour throughout the early morning. Ephraim spent most of the morning in our bed getting sick. Troy faithfully cared for him and then moved on to getting Carson ready for school (again we missed the alert of a 2 hour delay).

Troy left for his "city utilities meeting" and took Carson with him. He found out there that school had been delayed. That is where my father in law stepped up to the plate and took care of Carson and getting him to school at the delayed time. Thank God for family.

Of course we had been praying for Ephraim to recover and for him to understand why he would not be able to eat. He slept most of the morning punctuated by gagging episodes which came to only bear bile. He hates to vomit and will resist it at every turn. At about noon, I heard him start to gag and quickly offered him "the bowl" to get sick in. He resisted. I said "Let it go". He said, "Just give me a vitamin". I tried to explain that a vitamin was not going to keep him from throwing up that vitamins helped him to be stronger in the long run. He was not appeased and said "Then give me a Tums".

Poor Ephraim, he just wanted it to stop. I lovingly placed my hands on his trembling body and said "The only thing, the BEST thing that mama can do for you is pray. I have already been praying, but we can pray again". I prayed humbly and honestly asking for God to heal him according to His will and in his timing.

Folks, our prayer was answered. Ephraim has not thrown up since that time. He has even had something to eat and drink and has kept it down successfully. I know that some will doubt this answer to prayer and even if Ephraim were to start getting sick again, I say God did answer our prayer because we prayed for His will to be done. We offer thanks for what God has done for us.

On a side note, I have had a copy of the book The Shack by Wm. Paul Young for sometime now. In fact it is the second copy that has been in my possession. The first copy was loaned to me by a dear friend, but I never took the time to read it and returned it so she could give it to someone who might read it. The second copy, I received in a "mystery gift" auction with sorority. So this copy sat unread in my night stand. I tried to read it a couple of times, but couldn't get into it.

Anyway, as I sat beside a sleeping Ephraim I decided today was a good enough day as any to read The Shack. It is indeed an interesting read. Causes you to think and rethink. What is more about this book is that we had a nurse while Ephraim was in the hospital that recommended this book to us. It obviously had affected her because she mentioned it to us at his first surgery and at his second surgery. I can say that I think it is worth the read. I cried, I wondered, I pondered.

The Shack won't cure what ails you, but what it encourages will... It encourages deep and meaningful relationship with the Trinity. That is the answer to what ails you!