Rescuer, Protector, and Companion...All of these attributes can be used to describe the LORD. In fact they are all mentioned in the Bible verse that was part of my morning devotions today. Psalm 91:14-15 says "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him, I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.".
Daily, I pray that I and my family will be more like Christ, exhibiting the attributes of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Wednesday, I witnessed the boys and Troy showing each attribute mentioned above to me.
These snows days while they have been a nice "break" from the norm, had taken a toll on me (all of us really). Being home bound since Monday evening (with the exception of Troy who went to work), we were all getting a little frazzled. I decided I needed a soak in my tub. As I was talking to my sister, I rinsed down the remaining bits of the inside snow (see pictures and blog entry below). Then I thought it would be a good idea to run the bath with super hot water and it would be the perfect temp for after supper.
I started the water and walked away. For those who don't know I have a deep corner jacuzzi tub which can hold quite a bit. I walked away talking on the phone and began doing other things to prepare for Troy's arrival with a take out supper from Wendy's. The boys were playing happily in the basement.
Time went on and I was now speaking with Troy on the phone and sorting through papers that could be recycled from the dining room table. All was well, or so I thought. Then, Ephraim comes bounding into the room and announces, "Mama, there could be a flood, all this water is coming...". Having completely forgotten I had turned on the water, I was wondering what my little exaggerator could possibly mean. Then he said "it is in the bathroom". Oh my!
I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom and shut off the water. I was so thankful that Ephraim had come to get me. They had heard the water running while playing in the basement. My boys love to take a bath in my big tub so the running water was like an invitation to them. Thank God, the boys were so in tune.
I gave Ephraim (my rescuer) a big hug and said "Ephraim, you have another rescue under your belt". (I'll share about that story another day). He was really happy with himself and couldn't stop talking about it the rest of the evening much to his brother's chagrin.
After supper, I had to let a little water out of the tub so I could comfortably get in. Once again the boys heard the water and came running. Troy (my protector)intervened and said, "Boys, I think we need to let Mama, have some quiet time". The boys were not happy, but left me be. They left knowing that I would eventually allow them to join me in the tub (sorry if this is TMI). When I had had enough time soaking on my own, I called out and my companions joined me for the rest of my soak. Carson (my companion) especially loves to be in the tub and enjoy my company.
I am constantly amazed at how I can see the attributes of God in my family. My daily prayer for myself is that I will be more like God as He is described in many places in the Bible including Psalm 145:8 - "the LORD is compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love". Oh how I long to be as He has created me to be... like Him.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Have Snow Will Travel...
Snow that travels from the deck to the bathtub in our master bathroom that is... The boys really wanted to play in the additional snow fall we received over night. It seemed colder than yesterday and the snow depth made me a little uneasy. After a call to Troy confirmed that maybe we had better hold off on the outdoor snow experience, I decided to think BIG. (Pinky Dinky Doo reference for those that know the cartoon).
I don't think this is what Troy had in mind, but I decided to bring the outside in. The boys were hesitant at first. It couldn't be as fun as outside snow, but alas, they thought inside snow was better than no snow at all. I took the big pancake turner I got Troy for Christmas and two pink hospital tubs from Ephraim's most recent visit over the summer(and to think Troy didn't think we needed to take the tubs home). I opened the sliding door and within a matter of minutes, we had a winter wonderland in our tub.
Being "snowed in" we have had to stretch our imaginations. I think Carson is actually wishing that he could go back to school, but I don't think he would admit it. We have tried a few other things including building a castle out of sofa and other pillows, art work and baking. See pictures below.
As a side note when we had finished building the pillow castle, Ephraim was inside it and said "Brother, now we need our Bible. We need our Bible for our castle". I handed him his blue Bible (gift from Cousin Carol Ann) and he seemed to think all was complete. He did later ask for his glasses case. He was going to lay down in his castle and he doesn't wear his glasses while he sleeps.
Speaking of sleeping, prayers are being answered. Ephraim slept in his own bed until 6:30am. Carson has been back in his own bed too. God is helping us see that we can help the boys be independent in other ways too. Thanks be to God!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Is This Something From Your Class Thingy?
Troy and I have been taking a Sunday School class titled Parenting On Purpose. The class is causing us to take time to pause and evaluate our parenting styles. We know we aren't perfect parents, but we didn't consider ourselves too far off target.
This class has confirmed a lot of the things we strive for in our parenting, but it also has us really wondering where we went awry with our original plans of consistency and intentional parenting.
For example, we talked this past Sunday about encouraging independence in our children. I am the first to admit that we do seem to do a lot for our boys. In fact the saying that really had me scratching my head was "Never do for your children, what they can do for themselves".
When we stopped to look at our family, we have a lot in our favor, but this independence thing is not our strong suit. We tend to cater to Ephraim especially and to Carson as well. Anyway, we have been trying to make some adjustments as we notice places where we are doing things they could be doing or have missed opportunities for them to make choices or contribute to the family.
As we are learning we are also sharing with our boys small amounts of it (at their level and where it pertains to them). We are offering more opportunities for independence and responsibility. Tonight, after we finished our meal with Troy at the local pizzeria, I asked Carson if he wanted to go up to the counter and get a box for the leftover pizza. Carson responded with "Is this something from your class thingy?" At first I wasn't sure what he was talking about, but Troy and I quickly figured out it was our Sunday School class he was talking about. That Carson, he doesn't miss a beat. Yep, I said, "It is". He said "Maybe, Ephraim would like the opportunity".
God has a perfect plan for the family. He has set us in a family and given us two boys to train up in the way they should go. It is good that He gives us His WORD that offers direction and wisdom in this often difficult yet equally rewarding job of being a parent. He also gives us fellow believers to encourage and mentor us. For this I am thankful. We are not walking this road alone, God goes with us and upholds us. We are learning a lot in our "class thingy" and we are trusting God to help us find the balance that fits our family. More independence and opportunities to come...
This class has confirmed a lot of the things we strive for in our parenting, but it also has us really wondering where we went awry with our original plans of consistency and intentional parenting.
For example, we talked this past Sunday about encouraging independence in our children. I am the first to admit that we do seem to do a lot for our boys. In fact the saying that really had me scratching my head was "Never do for your children, what they can do for themselves".
When we stopped to look at our family, we have a lot in our favor, but this independence thing is not our strong suit. We tend to cater to Ephraim especially and to Carson as well. Anyway, we have been trying to make some adjustments as we notice places where we are doing things they could be doing or have missed opportunities for them to make choices or contribute to the family.
As we are learning we are also sharing with our boys small amounts of it (at their level and where it pertains to them). We are offering more opportunities for independence and responsibility. Tonight, after we finished our meal with Troy at the local pizzeria, I asked Carson if he wanted to go up to the counter and get a box for the leftover pizza. Carson responded with "Is this something from your class thingy?" At first I wasn't sure what he was talking about, but Troy and I quickly figured out it was our Sunday School class he was talking about. That Carson, he doesn't miss a beat. Yep, I said, "It is". He said "Maybe, Ephraim would like the opportunity".
God has a perfect plan for the family. He has set us in a family and given us two boys to train up in the way they should go. It is good that He gives us His WORD that offers direction and wisdom in this often difficult yet equally rewarding job of being a parent. He also gives us fellow believers to encourage and mentor us. For this I am thankful. We are not walking this road alone, God goes with us and upholds us. We are learning a lot in our "class thingy" and we are trusting God to help us find the balance that fits our family. More independence and opportunities to come...
Sticky Eyes!
There is something about me that you may not know... No, I don't have any big secrets to divulge. I have "sticky eyes". What is this condition you say? Well, it is a strange reaction my eyes have to syrup. Whenever I am around syrup whether I am eating it or not, my eyes get sticky. You might say "well, don't touch your eyes". But I don't even have to touch the syrup. My eyes just start feeling sticky when I am in the same vicinity as syrup.
It is a very weird phenomenon. Until a few years ago, I thought I was alone in this condition. Come to find out, my sister has the same problem. We had never discussed it as children or even realized it affected each other in the same way. It is possible that we could have some weird allergic reaction, I guess.
Why bring it up today, you ask? Well, Carson had french toast sticks (from Aldi) with syrup to dunk it in this morning. All I did was wipe my eyes with his napkin (no syrup on the napkin itself) and immediately I had sticky eyes.
No big deal, I get over it, but it is temporarily annoying. If this is hereditary, I pray Ephraim doesn't have it, because he is already sensitive about things. He'd really be worked up with sticky eyes. Carson could deal, I think. Only time will tell.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Creativity Abounds! Bi-focals Bring Focus!
Okay, I know I overdo it with the exclaimation marks. I'll work on it!!!! Just kidding. Anyway, I wanted to share that God is answering our prayers that Ephraim has been wearing his bi-focals without much complaint. This is so good! Praise the LORD!
Also, I have been meaning to post some pictures of the boys enjoying the creative process. A few weeks ago, we had a hand-out to the mothers at BSF encouraging the gift of creativity and imagination. I have been trying to be diligent since then to make sure the boys have plenty of outlets to use their God-given gifts.
Above are pictures from the creative process and a few of Ephraim in his new glasses. He really does look handsome. The boys are both very handsome and creative. If I do say so myself!
Ephraim and I made shortbread dough the other day and haven't had a chance to bake them yet. Going to do cut out cookies. The recipe came from my mother's McCalls cookbook. Seriously worn, but well loved. I love finding the little scribbled menus and notes throughout her cookbook. Scraps of paper tucked inside it. Even a letter from my brother to my mother during his post-college, pre-marriage days. True treasures in this book. I want my kids to feel that way about my Bible, because you know I don't have a cook book that I use the same way my mother did. I have some of her Bibles too and it is just as much of a treasure hunt in those!
Enjoy the pictures!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Make Mine Supreme!
On the way back from picking Carson up from school, Ephraim exclaimed: "God is supreme like pizza". Are you wondering where Ephraim would come up with such a statement??
I knew exactly what he was talking about. One of the songs that we sing at Bible Study with the children is: "How Wondrous And Great Your Works". The words to the song are listed below:
How wondrous and great Your works, God of praise! How just, King of saints, and true are Your ways! Oh, who shall not fear You and honor Your name? You only are holy, You only supreme!
Supreme defined by Webster: 1 : highest in rank or authority 2 : highest in degree or quality 3 : ultimate , final
Indeed God is Supreme! He ONLY Supreme! His Son Jesus offered as the supreme sacrifice that we might be saved from the punishment of our sins. God can not be labelled any less than supreme. He isn't a pizza, and He can not be compared to anything here on earth. He is indeed the one and only!
I don't think I will be able to order a supreme pizza without thinking of Ephraim's theological pondering now! I don't get to order a supreme very often, because my family doesn't care for them, but I will look at it a whole new way when I do. Make God supreme in your life!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Someone Has to Have Bi-focals!
Someone has to have bi-focals in our home, and it is not me or Troy. Believe it or not Ephraim at four years old has to have them. Today we met with my cousin and eye doctor Dr. Bradford Coers for Ephraim's appointment.
When we entered the office, Ephraim and I had to wait. We took some time to look at glasses, because I had a feeling they might be required. Every once in awhile Ephraim's eye will turn in when he is looking at something closely. He and I had fun looking at the different styles. He seemed open to the idea of having glasses and even seemed to want them. So far so good, Right???
Well, then the doctor came to get us. The exam started out rocky as Ephraim is not fond of any medical process. Though he has gotten much better about it. I know that I certainly had not bathed this appointment in prayer as I usually do ahead of time. So, I stopped part of the way through and prayed for Ephraim to cooperate. He did eventually relax enough to do the appointment adequately.
The result of the exam was that Ephraim was diagnosed with Accommodative Esotropia. In my layman's terms and understanding, he is farsighted and one eye has to accommodate for the other eye by turning in when he tries to look at something close up. Anyway, he has to have bifocals.
The process of choosing frames was a real battle, but we did end up with a pair. It had to be one without nose pads because Ephraim was so picky and said everything else hurt his nose. Not surprising from a boy who recently complained of a crumb in his sock. When I removed the sock, turned it inside out and wiped off his feet, it still didn't satisfy him. My little "prince & the pea".
The biggest battle remains to be faced as we deal with Ephraim having to wear his glasses all day except for bed time. Please start praying now. I know with God all things are possible and nothing is too hard for Him. Not even a four year old with bi-focals.
When we entered the office, Ephraim and I had to wait. We took some time to look at glasses, because I had a feeling they might be required. Every once in awhile Ephraim's eye will turn in when he is looking at something closely. He and I had fun looking at the different styles. He seemed open to the idea of having glasses and even seemed to want them. So far so good, Right???
Well, then the doctor came to get us. The exam started out rocky as Ephraim is not fond of any medical process. Though he has gotten much better about it. I know that I certainly had not bathed this appointment in prayer as I usually do ahead of time. So, I stopped part of the way through and prayed for Ephraim to cooperate. He did eventually relax enough to do the appointment adequately.
The result of the exam was that Ephraim was diagnosed with Accommodative Esotropia. In my layman's terms and understanding, he is farsighted and one eye has to accommodate for the other eye by turning in when he tries to look at something close up. Anyway, he has to have bifocals.
The process of choosing frames was a real battle, but we did end up with a pair. It had to be one without nose pads because Ephraim was so picky and said everything else hurt his nose. Not surprising from a boy who recently complained of a crumb in his sock. When I removed the sock, turned it inside out and wiped off his feet, it still didn't satisfy him. My little "prince & the pea".
The biggest battle remains to be faced as we deal with Ephraim having to wear his glasses all day except for bed time. Please start praying now. I know with God all things are possible and nothing is too hard for Him. Not even a four year old with bi-focals.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Documented Super Food Supper & Jesus Talk
Tonight, while waiting for Troy to return from working on my Uncle's cabin, I began to prepare supper. The boys wanted some mini frozen pancakes so we decided to have breakfast for supper. I put the bacon in the oven and as waited, I began to think of the spinach and blue cheese crumbles I had purchased earlier in the week at the Aldi. Oooohhh. Idea! I won't have breakfast for myself, I will have a salad.
I pulled the bag from the fridge, and began assembling my salad when the bacon was out of the oven. The bag of fresh spinach touted it as a "documented super food". Most people know that I am not a "super food" eater as a rule unless it is "super size". Ha Ha. (Actually I don't super size my meals at Mc D's). Super Food can you believe it? I ate a salad for supper and was excited about it.
I know I have been talking a lot about how my Wii Fit has been a stimulus for my desire for weight loss, but I want to be sure that I give the LORD His glory. I have been praying for the LORD to give me a desire to eat better and to lessen my desire for "junk food". I also asked Him to help me to "walk with Him". I do that in my Quiet Time in the WORD and prayer time. But I also want to "walk" in a physical way. After all our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. God has been faithful to answer this prayer.
Back to supper time "Jesus Talk", you may think that I have already talked enough about Jesus, but I have one more story to relay. Today, the boys were watching a Christian TV channel called Smile of a Child Network. When I passed through the room, they were showing an ad for the Holy Land Experience in Florida. This included a scene where Jesus was bloodied on the cross. It was not something I think the boys had ever seen and almost seemed too much for them. We spent some time discussing the reason why Jesus had to be nailed to the cross and how He had a bloody head, side, hands and feet. Not in graphic detail by any means however, Ephraim was very affected.
When Troy arrived home and they were eating, Ephraim said "Poor Jesus, I don't want Him to be hurt, Why did He have to die?". Troy not knowing the previous conversations gave Ephraim the answer in the same why I had done before. More discussion was had and he wanted to know if Jesus was still dead. Carson began to sing "Jesus is living in Heaven today, How do I know, How do I know, Jesus is living in Heaven today, the Bible tells me so". This seemed to be a good enough answer for Ephraim.
We may not always have our share of Super Foods (though we are working on that), but we do make an effort to feast on the WORD and to take in the things of eternal value in our home. For God's grace and His Love, We are thankful. A love so strong, He allowed His one and only Son to be brutally nailed to a cross so that we could be saved from the punishment of our sins. And that is "documented" in His WORD!
I pulled the bag from the fridge, and began assembling my salad when the bacon was out of the oven. The bag of fresh spinach touted it as a "documented super food". Most people know that I am not a "super food" eater as a rule unless it is "super size". Ha Ha. (Actually I don't super size my meals at Mc D's). Super Food can you believe it? I ate a salad for supper and was excited about it.
I know I have been talking a lot about how my Wii Fit has been a stimulus for my desire for weight loss, but I want to be sure that I give the LORD His glory. I have been praying for the LORD to give me a desire to eat better and to lessen my desire for "junk food". I also asked Him to help me to "walk with Him". I do that in my Quiet Time in the WORD and prayer time. But I also want to "walk" in a physical way. After all our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. God has been faithful to answer this prayer.
Back to supper time "Jesus Talk", you may think that I have already talked enough about Jesus, but I have one more story to relay. Today, the boys were watching a Christian TV channel called Smile of a Child Network. When I passed through the room, they were showing an ad for the Holy Land Experience in Florida. This included a scene where Jesus was bloodied on the cross. It was not something I think the boys had ever seen and almost seemed too much for them. We spent some time discussing the reason why Jesus had to be nailed to the cross and how He had a bloody head, side, hands and feet. Not in graphic detail by any means however, Ephraim was very affected.
When Troy arrived home and they were eating, Ephraim said "Poor Jesus, I don't want Him to be hurt, Why did He have to die?". Troy not knowing the previous conversations gave Ephraim the answer in the same why I had done before. More discussion was had and he wanted to know if Jesus was still dead. Carson began to sing "Jesus is living in Heaven today, How do I know, How do I know, Jesus is living in Heaven today, the Bible tells me so". This seemed to be a good enough answer for Ephraim.
We may not always have our share of Super Foods (though we are working on that), but we do make an effort to feast on the WORD and to take in the things of eternal value in our home. For God's grace and His Love, We are thankful. A love so strong, He allowed His one and only Son to be brutally nailed to a cross so that we could be saved from the punishment of our sins. And that is "documented" in His WORD!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
What You Need...
A quick post to share something about each of the boys:
Carson's relayed that his teacher told him that she was very happy about his report card that will be sent home tomorrow. She showed him her "regular smile". Then she took her hands and made a large imaginary smile in the air. She said "This is my smile about your report card". This is such great news. Carson also told Troy this morning that he was ready for his spelling test and that he was not anxious at all. This too is an answer to prayer. We are praising God for Carson's success.
As for Ephraim, today, we went to visit our good friend and the boy's caretaker on occasion. It was Dorothy's birthday. As we were finishing up our visit, Ephraim noticed Dorothy's Bible on the side table. He said "Mama, that is God's Holy WORD, You need it if you don't want to get things messed up". That Ephraim. Once again he reminds us of the plain and simple truth.
Less, exciting news, I went to The Aldi today and I was pleased to see that they had restocked their supply of the fabric reusable bags. I was glad to purchase two. They are big and sturdy. I highly recommend them. I don't know if I should admit that I also bought microwave burritos too, but I will. Oh, and I also went to Hobby Lobby and they had 80% off Christmas. I was pleased to pick up more gift wrap for next year. Big, beautiful rolls of paper, not those skimpy rolls they try to sell you elsewhere.
That's the news in the Bishop Home for tonight.
Carson's relayed that his teacher told him that she was very happy about his report card that will be sent home tomorrow. She showed him her "regular smile". Then she took her hands and made a large imaginary smile in the air. She said "This is my smile about your report card". This is such great news. Carson also told Troy this morning that he was ready for his spelling test and that he was not anxious at all. This too is an answer to prayer. We are praising God for Carson's success.
As for Ephraim, today, we went to visit our good friend and the boy's caretaker on occasion. It was Dorothy's birthday. As we were finishing up our visit, Ephraim noticed Dorothy's Bible on the side table. He said "Mama, that is God's Holy WORD, You need it if you don't want to get things messed up". That Ephraim. Once again he reminds us of the plain and simple truth.
Less, exciting news, I went to The Aldi today and I was pleased to see that they had restocked their supply of the fabric reusable bags. I was glad to purchase two. They are big and sturdy. I highly recommend them. I don't know if I should admit that I also bought microwave burritos too, but I will. Oh, and I also went to Hobby Lobby and they had 80% off Christmas. I was pleased to pick up more gift wrap for next year. Big, beautiful rolls of paper, not those skimpy rolls they try to sell you elsewhere.
That's the news in the Bishop Home for tonight.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
A New Home!
Before you get too anxious. No, we are not moving. The title of this blog stems from a conversation that Ephraim and I had this morning. Today, I had the pleasure of taking Carson to school as Troy had his monthly "Utility Meeting". After we dropped Carson off, Ephraim and I headed down Fourth Street.
For those of you who know me well, you know that my mother used to live on Fourth Street. This was not our childhood home, but it was the one my parents lived in after the school corporation took imminent domain over our childhood home on Sycamore Street. Anyway, I digress (surprise, surprise). As we passed my mother's former home, I said "Hi, Omi's old house!".
From the back seat a previously pretty quiet Ephraim piped up and said "Mama, that isn't Omi's home anymore, she has a new home". Of course he is right. He is usually spiritually minded about things, but I wanted to be sure, I understood what he meant, so I asked him, "Where is Omi's new home, Ephraim?". He said "In heaven of course with Jesus!".
I was glad to have Ephraim there to remind me of the brighter side of my mother's passing. I quickly perked up and took the next few minutes to talk to Ephraim about the scripture from John 14 that tells of how Jesus is going to prepare a place for His disciples, for those of us who believe in Him as our personal Savior. My mom believed. Omi is in that glorious place that Christ, Himself prepared for her.
When I went to look up the scripture to share with you here on my blog, my eyes rested on the passages preceding and following it. I want to share them with you:
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going."
What wonderful news! My heart still gets troubled when I miss my mom, but I know I can Trust God! I do Trust in Him and His Son Jesus! He is preparing a place for me too. Not only is He preparing the place, but He is coming back for me. Me, He is coming back for me personally. Some people fear their own death, not me. While I don't desire to do anything that would hasten my death, I do welcome seeing my Savior's face.
The last verse says, "You know the way to the place where I am going". I am so glad that I had parents, grandparents, school teachers, Sunday school teachers, friends, family and spiritual mentors that helped me to figure out "the way". There is no doubt in my mind that Jesus is "THE Way". I pray that you know that with assurance too.
I am looking forward to my "new home" as Ephraim put it. I keep thinking about that song I learned growing up: "Heaven is a wonderful place, filled with glory and grace, I wanna see my Savior's face, Oh Heaven is a wonderful, Heaven is a wonderful, Heaven is a wonderful place".
Speaking of our Savior's face, our Bible Study lesson with the kids and the adults today at BSF was about when Moses asked to see God's face. We didn't get specific with the 2 & 3year olds about it, but the older children heard it. I think it must have been so amazing for Moses to be in such close contact with God. Such a personal relationship that he would feel comfortable asking God to see His face. While God said that was not possible, God did allow Moses to see His glory. As He passed by Moses saw His back. That coupled with Moses 40 Day 40 Night encounter with God, made Moses face radiant. He glowed from having been with God.
We were asked today if anyone could see that we were changed by the time we spend with God. I hope that people see a change in me. I hope that my face is more full of grace and radiates God's love to those around me. Not because I want the glory, but because I want to give God all the credit.
I am prayerful that I will see all of you in my "New Home". I know I am looking forward to seeing my mom, my father and all my friends and family that have gone before me in faith. Do you know "THE Way"?
For those of you who know me well, you know that my mother used to live on Fourth Street. This was not our childhood home, but it was the one my parents lived in after the school corporation took imminent domain over our childhood home on Sycamore Street. Anyway, I digress (surprise, surprise). As we passed my mother's former home, I said "Hi, Omi's old house!".
From the back seat a previously pretty quiet Ephraim piped up and said "Mama, that isn't Omi's home anymore, she has a new home". Of course he is right. He is usually spiritually minded about things, but I wanted to be sure, I understood what he meant, so I asked him, "Where is Omi's new home, Ephraim?". He said "In heaven of course with Jesus!".
I was glad to have Ephraim there to remind me of the brighter side of my mother's passing. I quickly perked up and took the next few minutes to talk to Ephraim about the scripture from John 14 that tells of how Jesus is going to prepare a place for His disciples, for those of us who believe in Him as our personal Savior. My mom believed. Omi is in that glorious place that Christ, Himself prepared for her.
When I went to look up the scripture to share with you here on my blog, my eyes rested on the passages preceding and following it. I want to share them with you:
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going."
What wonderful news! My heart still gets troubled when I miss my mom, but I know I can Trust God! I do Trust in Him and His Son Jesus! He is preparing a place for me too. Not only is He preparing the place, but He is coming back for me. Me, He is coming back for me personally. Some people fear their own death, not me. While I don't desire to do anything that would hasten my death, I do welcome seeing my Savior's face.
The last verse says, "You know the way to the place where I am going". I am so glad that I had parents, grandparents, school teachers, Sunday school teachers, friends, family and spiritual mentors that helped me to figure out "the way". There is no doubt in my mind that Jesus is "THE Way". I pray that you know that with assurance too.
I am looking forward to my "new home" as Ephraim put it. I keep thinking about that song I learned growing up: "Heaven is a wonderful place, filled with glory and grace, I wanna see my Savior's face, Oh Heaven is a wonderful, Heaven is a wonderful, Heaven is a wonderful place".
Speaking of our Savior's face, our Bible Study lesson with the kids and the adults today at BSF was about when Moses asked to see God's face. We didn't get specific with the 2 & 3year olds about it, but the older children heard it. I think it must have been so amazing for Moses to be in such close contact with God. Such a personal relationship that he would feel comfortable asking God to see His face. While God said that was not possible, God did allow Moses to see His glory. As He passed by Moses saw His back. That coupled with Moses 40 Day 40 Night encounter with God, made Moses face radiant. He glowed from having been with God.
We were asked today if anyone could see that we were changed by the time we spend with God. I hope that people see a change in me. I hope that my face is more full of grace and radiates God's love to those around me. Not because I want the glory, but because I want to give God all the credit.
I am prayerful that I will see all of you in my "New Home". I know I am looking forward to seeing my mom, my father and all my friends and family that have gone before me in faith. Do you know "THE Way"?
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Wii are having a Fit!
The family Christmas present of a Wii has caused a lot of hub bub at our house. First on New Year's Eve it called me "obese". Overweight I can handle, but I thought obese was a little much. So, I began to cut back as I try to anyway on New Year's day. I have been trying to follow a pattern I learned a long time ago with a progam called Weigh Down Workshop. It is a Christian based weight loss/lifestyle progam that encourages cutting down on portions and making changes to your eating habits, but not necessarily what you eat. Anyway, I have cut back.
So today, I tried the Wii Fit again and it actually had me about 5 pounds lighter which put me in the "overweight" category as opposed to the "obese" one. This is good news, but I have to believe that it must have been an issue with it the first time I tried it. Now our family is busy taking turns using the Wii Fit. Carson has enjoyed it a lot. He was the Ski Jump champ for awhile. Then we figured out how to play and we all got better. Now Troy has the lead and Carson has thrown a "Wee bit" of a Fit. We have to work on our Sportsmanship.
Ephraim doesn't get too involved with the Wii, though, he has tried to get on while Troy was on it. I did want to share that he went to the movies with Carson, a friend of Carson's and Troy yesterday. At the movies Troy said another little boy sat down by Ephraim and asked him what his name was. To which Ephraim responded "I'm God's Mighty Warrior". The boy said "What, No, What is your name?". Ephraim finally said, "Ephraim".
That Ephraim, though he can really throw a fit, he seems to know whom he belongs. Just as I have said before with him, even when you think he isn't' paying attention to devotions, he really is. The knight in shining armor outfits we got them for Christmas to reinforce our devotional theme did what we wanted it to do.
Now these Mighty Warriors need to take a break and have something for supper. Carson is turning off the Wii and now it is my turn to log off the blog. Happy New Year!
So today, I tried the Wii Fit again and it actually had me about 5 pounds lighter which put me in the "overweight" category as opposed to the "obese" one. This is good news, but I have to believe that it must have been an issue with it the first time I tried it. Now our family is busy taking turns using the Wii Fit. Carson has enjoyed it a lot. He was the Ski Jump champ for awhile. Then we figured out how to play and we all got better. Now Troy has the lead and Carson has thrown a "Wee bit" of a Fit. We have to work on our Sportsmanship.
Ephraim doesn't get too involved with the Wii, though, he has tried to get on while Troy was on it. I did want to share that he went to the movies with Carson, a friend of Carson's and Troy yesterday. At the movies Troy said another little boy sat down by Ephraim and asked him what his name was. To which Ephraim responded "I'm God's Mighty Warrior". The boy said "What, No, What is your name?". Ephraim finally said, "Ephraim".
That Ephraim, though he can really throw a fit, he seems to know whom he belongs. Just as I have said before with him, even when you think he isn't' paying attention to devotions, he really is. The knight in shining armor outfits we got them for Christmas to reinforce our devotional theme did what we wanted it to do.
Now these Mighty Warriors need to take a break and have something for supper. Carson is turning off the Wii and now it is my turn to log off the blog. Happy New Year!
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